Beddard Roofing was appointed to carry out works on this stunning property in Hale, Cheshire. The following points are how the project was undertaken and we achieved the programme with great customer satisfaction.
- Erect scaffolding around the property for the duration of the work
- Carefully remove and dispose of the ridge tiles, roof tiles ,lath and felt
- Check all roof timber and current insulation levels and advise
- Fit new fascia ventilation and eave support trays
- Felt the roof using a fully breathable roofing felt to meet current BS5534
- Lath the roof using treated, graded roofing lath to meet current BS5534
- Carefully remove all gutters and downspouts and replace with new black plastic
- Carefully remove the front left and rear right chimneys to below roof level
- Grind out the old cement from the remaining chimney stack and re point
- Remove the lead work from the valleys and replace with new code 4 lead
- Tile the roof using a clay rosemary roof tile, including a new tile vent to the front elevation
- Remove the lead work from the chimney stack and replace with new code 4 lead
- Fit new ridge tiles to match the original ridge
- Replace the leadwork on the front bay window
- The front porch is to be re roofed to the same specification as the main roof
- Remove all debris